Benefits of Using GSO Care Aged Care Software - GSO Care Aged Care Software

GSO Care Pty Ltd

GSO Care Aged Care Software - Innovative, exceptional and seminal.
Melbourne, Australia
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Benefits of Using GSO Care Aged Care Software

GSO Care Benefits

Benefits Of Using GSO Care® Aged Care Software

Maximise ACFI Funding By > 7%

The Funding Gap Differential - Defined as the time between the delivery of additional resident care, and when it is recognised by appraisers and extra funds obtained. Estimates indicate Providers donate care for upwards of 12 months or $335,000 per 100 beds.

The average tenure of a resident in aged care is 3 years.  It is reasonable to assume that extra care will be required steadily over that period, and therefore additional funding should to be sought.

Using a simple straight line calculation, and assuming the average resident will progress from an entry of $130 per day and leave at $180 per day, biannual application over annual will result in a 7% increase in funding over the 3 year period.

It would appear most providers apply annually per resident, only if the documentation can be found to support a claim.  GSO Care reports all care variations in real time, and funding variations as determined by fund rules.  With ACFI, this is every 7 days. With GSO Care Aged Care Software, providers may apply for appropriate funding as needs arise.

Lowest desirable daily rate = $130.00
Assume highest daily rate after 3 years = $180
Therefore, (180 - 130) / 3 years = $16.67 p.a. increase
Annual appraisal - 3 year total = $160,600
Biannual appraisal - 3 year total = $172,460 (+7%)
Quarterly appraisal - 3 year total = $178,390 (+11%)

Reduce The Cost Of ACFI Appraisals By > 85%

A significant expense to providers is the cost of obtaining appropriate funding.

A provider with 25 facilities, will typically employ 4 full time staff and then part time (1 day per week) floor staff for each facility.  At a modest average wage of $65,000, that amounts to $585,000, and $23,400 per facility per year.

GSO Care Aged Care Software requires ONE staff member ONLY.

An annual wages saving of $520,000, or $20,800 per facility.

ACFI Funding Maximisation Explained

Three year ACFI funding maximisation projections for a provider with 25 facilities, each with 90 beds.

Per Facility
Annual appraisals = $0.00
Biannual appraisals = $1,067,625
Quarterly appraisals = $1,601,437

Per Provider
Annual average increase = $355,800 (Biannual appraisals)
Biannual appraisals = $26,690,625
Quarterly appraisals = $40,035,937

Annual average increase = $8,896,000 (Biannual appraisals)

The above projections are estimates only.  GSO Care Pty Ltd makes no claim as to their accuracy.  Prospective purchasers should conduct their own research.
Mary Borders Enjoying The Benefits Of GSO Care Aged Care Software

On Sell Complimentary Applications As Extra Services

GSO Care Aged Care Software System Benefits
Providers may, at their absolute discretion, add unlimited users, and charge users fees.

A 50% uptake of GSO Family app. @ $40 per month = $1,800

For a 90 bed facility, that is $21,600 p.a.

For a provider with 25 facilities, that is $540,000 p.a.

The above projections are estimates only.  GSO Care Pty Ltd makes no claim as to their accuracy.  Prospective purchasers should conduct their own research.

Good Bye Data SamplingCompliance HeadachesManual Audits

With GSO Care Aged Care Software System, periodic audits are automatic!  Re-focus Quality Teams towards continual improvement.

  • 100% of ALL Data
  • EVERY Resident
  • Filtered by any ACFI category
  • Filtered by any ADL category
  • Filtered by any Date Range
  • Total Transparency

With GSO Care Aged Care Software System, EVERY event is automatically charted in real time.
Exploring The System Benefits GSO Care Aged Care Software

Account For Each Bed As An Individual Cost Centre

Each Bed in GSO Care Aged Care Software System is an individual cost centre.
 Managers can.....

  • Compare actual care costs against funding allowances
  • Compare scheduled care costs against actual care costs
  • Identify the true profit or loss status of each occupied bed
  • Eliminate misleading average facility statistics
  • Forcast accurate bed profitability
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